Introducing Daniella Stramandinoli, Team Leader Customer Service – Enfield Aquatic Centre, Burwood Council.
We recently caught up with Daniella Stramandinoli and discussed her career journey from retail to local government, how last year’s lockdowns helped progress her career, and what it is she finds most rewarding about her role at Burwood Council’s Enfield Aquatic Centre. Daniella also gives us her tips for anyone considering diving into a career at council.
Q. Are you able to briefly explain your career background, and what led you to Burwood Council?
A. I’ve really had a great journey! I started my working life in retail as a sales assistant in Cotton On. After about four years I decided that I really wanted to have a career change. Luckily I knew a lot of people who worked in Local Government, so I started asking around. Everyone told me that councils offer great opportunities for career growth. So, when I saw a job opening for a part-time customer service role at Enfield Aquatic Centre, I thought my retail and customer service experience would make me a good fit. I went for it and I was successful.
Q. That’s great! So, tell us about your progression to your current team leader role.
A. Well a few months after I started, we went into lockdown. Because the aquatic centre had to close, myself and my other colleagues were re-deployed into the customer service team at the council.
We worked in the call centre and also in the records department. That was the first time I had any idea what the records department did. I really enjoyed it! So, in June last year, there was an opportunity to be seconded into a Records Officer role until November – it was a great experience for me and I learnt a lot.
In November I came back to the aquatic centre and my Team Leader was leaving for another opportunity within the council, opening up an acting Team Leader Customer Service role. I had never considered a management role, but I wanted to challenge myself. I worked in the acting team role from February to May, and then I was awarded the role permanently.
Q. What are your main responsibilities and what would a typical day look like for you?
A. Because we’re working in customer service in the community, every day varies so much. Each day so many new things pop up. I have a team of two permanent part-time Customer Service Officers and I also have casuals – so including me, we’re a team of six.
Each day is about trying our best to provide the best service we can for our customers in the community. We have regulars who come in everyday and we have a real connection with them which I really enjoy. We work to maintain the image of the centre which I think is really important. We work on having open communication with customers, making sure they know everything that’s going on.
Sometimes we will get complaints from customers who are expressing their concerns and feedback. As well as looking after the customer, I also focus on supporting my team as well – depending on how that customer reacts, sometimes it can be challenging to deal with. I want to make sure my team know that I’m always there to help them if they need me.
Q. How would you describe the culture at Burwood?
A. It’s so supportive. And because we’re a relatively small council, you get to know everyone and there’s a real connection. I enjoy chatting to people and asking what they do in their roles, it gives me ideas for what I might want to do next!
At the aquatic centre, we’re all quite young – so we’re at the same stage of life. It’s fun, we get along really well.
Q. What do you find the most rewarding about your role?
A. Well firstly, I like to get things done – I hate backlogs. So, when I get to the end of a busy day and I can see that everything has been done, that’s a rewarding accomplishment right there!
And, the second thing is just seeing that my team is happy; that they want to come to work and that they’ve had a good day as well. I also find it rewarding when we’ve worked together to help people – I never want to have a customer unhappy or a problem unresolved.
Q. What attributes do you think you need to be a successful local government employee?
A. I think having passion and drive, wanting to come to work and do the best for the community every day. I think especially for Customer Service roles – you’re the face of the council, you need to love what you do, because it shows!
Q. What would you say to someone considering a career in local government?
A. Just like I did, you want to do your own research. Get feedback from people you know who are already working in councils.
And then I also think the best thing is just give it a go! There are so many different departments in local government so just get your foot in the door like I did – you never know where it’s going to take you. And even if you don’t have experience, council is great because they support you to do TAFE or University courses – they’re so encouraging.
I’m so surprised at how much I’ve achieved in the past two years. The progress has been really amazing for me, I’ve just had so many opportunities. They gave me a chance at the beginning and I’m so grateful.
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