Council Jobs in

Canberra region

Councils across the Canberra region offer an abundance of opportunities to develop your career, and enjoy real job satisfaction as you make a tangible difference to your community.

The Canberra region is home to almost half a million residents and its city Canberra is the capital of Australia. With sweeping nature reserves, the famous Lake Burley Griffin, and surrounding mountain ranges, Canberra is often affectionately known as the Bush Capital.

The career options that exist within local government in the 10 councils within the Canberra Region are vast, with each role contributing to the future success of the surrounding region. Whether you have an interest in delivering important health services, managing major community assets, designing recreation facilities, delivering cultural services or growing tourism, there is ample opportunity to utilise your skills.

The benefits of working in local government go beyond knowing that your work makes a positive contribution to society. Work life balance is promoted, career development is supported, and flexible work arrangements are available.

Your career in local government starts here. Browse from a range of vacancies available in the Canberra region across many local government areas.
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