Local Legends: Community Career Stories

Presented by Careers at Council and LGNSW, our exclusive webinar series ‘Local Legends: Community Career Stories’ shines a spotlight on Council case studies, to give you insights into innovative talent attraction and retention strategies, from all around Australia. Throughout the series, you’ll hear from metro and regional councils on a diverse range of topics, from addressing the challenges of skill shortages, to identifying opportunites to attract young people to local government.

Join us for our FREE and EXCLUSIVE webinar ‘Apprenticeships in the Outback’ featuring David Kirby and Tara Byrnes form Brewarrina Council.

Date: Wednesday 12th March 2025

Time: 3:30-4:15pm (AEDT)

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Careers at Council

The scale and diversity of the work we do means Local Government can offer you many different career paths. If you add the ability to make a real difference in your community, you’ll agree there’s no better place to start or grow your career.

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